Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Journal Assignment: Review Summary

For my Journal Project, media usage was recorded from September 12, 2016 to September 18, 2016.  The media usage for this week was extremely typical.  For the week, I used my daily media going through my usual routine of school, work and going to the gym.  I am very busy during the week and refrain from media use while in class or at work.  On the other hand, I listen to music through Pandora or YouTube to power through workouts.  In the little free time I have, I spend it playing video games such as Doom, watching shows and movies on Hulu or Netflix, or browsing through Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram.

After evaluating my media use, I learned that I spend almost all my free time for media usage, demonstrating that I should use my free time more wisely and find things to do to be more productive.

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