Wednesday, September 7, 2016

About me

Hello everyone,
my name is Brandon Kline and my current major is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).  I am in my third semester at Frederick Community College.  I am taking Introduction to Media to complete an arts requirement for a biology major at the University of Maryland (UMD).  I plan on transferring to a four-year university such as UMD and then to get into medical school to pursue a career as a General Practitioner.

Furthermore, I am a lab technician at the United States Army Medical Research Institute for infectious diseases (USAMRIID).  I work part-time, processing experimental requests and working towards my own publication.  I prepare infected samples for transmission electron microscopy and image the samples through the electron microscope.  I am working towards a publication in method development for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM).

Aside from school and work, I am a fitness enthusiast, training three hours a day for six days a week.  My training consists of powerlifting and bodybuilding elements.  My lifting routine, in general, is legs, torso, arms, rest and repeat.  I begin my workouts with a compound movement such as bench, squat or deadlift.  After a compound movement, I do plyometric exercises and then isolation movements.  I plan to participate and place in powerlifting meets and bodybuilding competitions.

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