Tuesday, September 27, 2016

First Media Review: South Park: Member Berries

Personally, South Park is my all-time favorite go to show.  I will watch South Park on Hulu for countless hours on end without ever feeling unsatisfied.  South Park is a great show that takes trending news and formats it into a hysterical story line.  Most recent, South Park's episode called "Member Berries", capitalizes on the National Anthem protests, internet trolling, presidential election, "black lives matter", transgender issues, and conservatism.  For example in the episode,  people went to a volleyball game to watch volley ball players sit out the National Anthem and then left right after, which I found completely humorous because they literally had the stands filled with people that just wanted to see who would sit out the national anthem and at the end they recorded the amount of people sitting out as the final score as if that was the actual game.  Later in the episode, the National Anthem was revised to "Please stand or sit or take a knee" for the National Anthem, which left protesters clueless of what to do, and leaving Trump helpless to get people to hate him for the outrages things he does in order to get people to vote for Hillary.  That is just two scenes that probably lasted two minutes in a thirty minute episode,  just to show this episode is packed with entertainingly funny and relevant scenes.  Can't beat it.  I recommend this show to anyone that wants to have a great time filled with endless laughter. 5 out of 5.

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