Monday, November 28, 2016

Media Issues Assignment Reflection

Media bias is extremely important to understand because it can deter people from the truth.  Researching Fox and NBC media bias made it very clear where each station stands on news coverage.  This project opened my eyes to the misinformation being informed to millions of people that just take sides without hearing the whole story and regurgitate the bias information they heard to their family and friends, leading to even more amounts of people that are being misled.  In addition, this project has taught me the importance of listening and watching several different news stations in order to get a better understanding of both sides of a topic. 

3rd Media Review: Doritos Ultrasound Super Bowl Commercial of 2016

The commercial presents a pregnant wife with her husband who is eating Doritos while the doctor is conducting an ultra sound.  As the ultrasound continues, the husband begins to notice that the baby moves to where he points the Dorito.  At this point, the husband throws the Dorito, which sends the baby leaping out of the womb for the Dorito in a hysterical fashion. I could not help but burst into laughter when I saw this commercial.  Doritos are so good that even unborn babies want them.  

2nd Media Review with a couple interesting blog links

The novel Of Mice and Men is an easily memorable emotionally touching story that brings about the problems in America and the problems faced when people try to achieve their American dream.  The book emphasizes the lack of women equality by Curly’s wife not having her own name but the name of a man’s property.  Likewise, the book emphasizes the racial discrimination by mentioning how Crooks a black man is segregated from the other men, given less opportunity, and mistreated by several other characters in the book.  While highlighting the problems with American society, the book emotional appeals to its audience with the close brotherly bond of George and Lennie.  The book constantly goes on about how men like them have no future and no family, but go on to mention that it is not true for them because they have each other to watch their backs.  In the book, Lennie constantly gets himself into trouble, not on purpose, but because he is autistic and George is always there to bail him out and try to make the world work for them.  Although, later in the book, there comes a point where Lennie does a really bad thing and accidentally kills a pup and Curly’s wife, which leads to George having to kill Lennie in order to prevent more accidental harm to the people and to not have to go searching for a new place to work.  I would recommend this book to people that enjoy and do not enjoy reading because this is a book that most people who don’t like reading, like reading.

Here’s a couple more interesting blogs:
The Vane
